YOGA with Maggie Davis online booking form
I am currently running four classes and an online Yoga Nidra course, please select the class you wish to attend from the drop down list below. If you wish to attend more than one class please fill in a separate form for each class.
Please note, time may have to vary slightly due to the current crisis to allow cleaning to take place between classes.
Paying by the half term is possible, please contact Maggie for details.
Medical details
New students, and once a year for existing students, please fill in the more comprehensive student questionnaire found here
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
Please confirm your permission for Maggie Davis to use your personal information to contact you by ticking the box below. You have the right to withdraw permission at any time by contacting Maggie. All personal information is kept securely and not passed on to anyone else.
PLEASE NOTE: Please only click the submit button once. The form will clear, but the information will have been sent. If you scroll to the top of the page there should be a message thanking you for booking a class. Maggie will respond as soon as she sees the email.